CASTE-OBLITERATED? 'OR' OBLIVIATED?:A Dialectic of Dr.Ambedkar's 'Annihilation of Caste-1

Baba Saheb's contention goes "The wall built around caste is impregnable...the breaking up of caste among the hindus is well-nigh impossible.At any rate,it would take ages before a breach is made."(Ambedkar 38).Conversely,Nehruvian Secular Nationalist Imagination asserts that Caste existed many moons ago and flaunting this old hat in Public Discourse is akin to resurrecting archaic retrogressive principles and the culmination-The End of the Civilization as we know it!A contravention of this caste hegemony is marked by Modernity. Before lauding Modernity as the aforementioned breach,a perusal of certain aspects is appreciable... Did the Dynamite of Modernity demolish caste system? 'or' Did the carpet of Modernity just push caste discussions underneath?Though Article-21 of Indian Constitution abolished Untouchability and a certain law in 1948 banned discrimination and segregation on the basis of Caste,ever and anon we find instances which prove the contr...