Tuesdays with Morrie

Think it's raining heavily outside and you are in your room all alone listening to the tracks by Rafi, how does that make you feel? I feel relieved. I see a ray of hope somewhere.
 And this is exactly the kind of feeling that I have with some of my teachers. Neither have I seen them nor have talked to them for years, but there words still resonates in my mind when I only see, cloudy tomorrow's in front.

 'Tuesdays with Morrie 'is one such story about a teacher and a student who reconnects after very long time. Morrie,the teacher, had been diagnosed with a disease called ALS, for which there was no cure. But the thought of death never dissuaded him, rather he was happy that he could make the rest, a little time of his life, the best of his life. And this very different approach towards death made him a celebrity. And eventually, Mitch, Morrie's former student, reconnects with Morrie and starts visiting him regularly.

 Morrie was overwhelmed by the presence of Mitch. He always felt better when Mitch was beside him. The reconnection did help not only Morrie, but Mitch too. Each day, Morrie would talk about the realities of life and Mitch starts introspecting. The sight of an old man struggling with his disease makes Mitch a new person.

 This book indeed is a journey, the journey of an old man to death. While going through the book we see Morrie's body withering away , we witness how slowly and steadily did the disease conquer him, and his inspiring calmness during all these sufferings.

 "Everyone knows they are going to die,
 But nobody believes it. If we did we would do things differently" . Morrie says.

 Written and presented in a very simple manner, this is a kind of a self-help book that would open the reader's eyes to the realities of life.
Thoroughly enjoyed.

- Rana Fathima 


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