Back in 2017, on September 5th, gunfire erupted at a house in Rajarajeshwari Nagar. On that day, along with Pansare and Kalburgi, Gauri Lankesh too became a martyr of free speech. That was not the end, attacks on journalists, known and unknown have seriously escalated in the recent years. From January 1st of this year , to this juncture,I pen this, several journalists had been jailed and one journalist killed.Where? Right in the world's largest democracy, Why? For accomplishing their duty! For lashing out at the bitter truth.
The history of Indian media which went conjointly with the British history always made a revolutionary impact with its valiant efforts to uncover the brutalities of the then rule. It was in 1780, the first newspaper ' Bengal Gazette' started, paving the way for many other dailies. These newspapers had a critical approach to the government and brought into light the faults of those in power. It enabled extensive discussions among the public and forged bonds of fraternity among the diversified society. The immense popularity of the press fuelled many major movements which ultimately reinforced the political consciousness of the generation and proved that illiteracy is no hindrance to establish efficient democracy. Indeed, the press marked the distinguished works of fierce journalists. However during the British raj the power centres retaliated with drastic measures and the press had to encounter umpteen difficulties. Though many draconian laws were imposed to curb our fourth pillar, the press managed to endure and ended up being the dynamic weapon in wiping off the Britishers.
Freedom of Press has always been a sensitive topic , and with Nobel peace prize for Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov the issue attained a global prominence . In the post colonial era, the constitution of India accepted free speech as an integral part of democracy. The press freedom too has been treated as a part of 'freedom of speech and expression ',a fundamental right guaranteed to every citizen under Article 19 (1)(a) of the Indian constitution . In the 'Romesh Thapar vs State of Madras' case, the Supreme Court pointed out that " freedom of speech and of the press lay at the foundation of all democratic organisations". Even then,the press in the world's largest democracy have been under serious threats. Since time immemorial, not just in the last eight years but also during the reign of the Congress party, the power elites had been reluctant in accepting the criticism from the press and had left no room for dissent. Now, with the religious fanatics in power and a leader who has remained tongue tied to press conferences for the past eight years, no wonder that the government is at war with the journalists. According to the World Press Freedom Index released by Reporters Without Borders, early this year,India has dropped eight places compared to the previous year and has acquired 150th rank of 180 countries, being the only democracy languishing in the bottom half. The report says that, in India, "the violence against journalists, the political partisan media, and the concentration of media ownership all demonstrate that free press is in crisis", describing India as " one of the world's most dangerous countries for media". The journalists of the state are being exposed to immense physical assaults, they are indeed living a relentless struggle. On 20th May, Subhash Kumar Mahto, a journalist from Bihar was found shot dead. He was known for uncovering the truths behind sand mafia, which at the end took his life. A few months ago, Pawan Jaiswal, a journalist from UP, reported an issue regarding the sub- standard mid- day meal. As the video went viral, the state government booked a case against the journalist ! Not the one behind corruption, but the one who reported! Yes, in this saffron age, journalism is the crime. Since October 2020,Siddhique Kappan, a journalist from the minor community had been imprisoned with charges of UAPA ( Unlawful Activities Prevention Act ) for a story he never reported. Rana Ayyub, another outspoken reporter had been facing tremendous hate campaigns for being critical of the Bharatiya Janata Party. It is not just Rana, but many other women journalists too especially from the minority communities have suffered serious death and rape threats. By the revoke of the special status of Jammu and Kashmir, the press there, is almost at the verge of extinction. The authorities have been raiding homes of journalists and have restricted their movements. 'Public Safety Act ' is being charged over a number of reporters, which lets the government to detain them without evidences and thorough judicial review. The recent revelation about the 'Pegasus scandal 'and the ban on ' Media One ' channel without any clarification is indeed a warning bell regarding the coming days of autocracy.These are just a few instances. The list of atrocities faced by the press can be awfully long.In the coming times, may be, I could be detained for writing this. And you, for reading the same.

Where this ultimately takes us to?
" They were asked to bend, and they began to crawl", these were the words by veteran BJP leader, L K Advani, during the emergency of 1975. Today the condition is even worse. No doubt that the country is in an undeclared emergency. With rising attacks on reporters, true journalism has almost become endangered. The credibility of media is under serious crisis. The state has taken over major media outlets and has turned them into drum beaters of the current regime. The media itself is conspiring against the citizens by spinning around the axis of hate and spitting the venom of communalism. Misinformation and fake news are being spread deliberately to peddle the propoganda of hate, thereby turning the multifaceted society into a battle ground. The key to combat this is in the hands of the audient. It is high time that we start questioning the news before we consume it.
Dissent, criticism and differences of opinions are crucial features for the bonafide functioning of any democracy.Fali Sam Nariman, a senior advocate at the apex Court, once said, " freedom after speech, that is really what freedom of speech is all about. You are allowed to speak as much as you like, but there is a fellow waiting there to nab you and out you in, so you can't speak again ". Even while being swept away by an ideological storm, there still remains a handful of media outlets and journalists with the audacity to curb the growth of fascism. Many journalist are at immense pleasure, as at no time in history they found their voices much needed as it is now. Having found the true essence of journalism, they trigger the epitomes of power today and hence feel self accomplished. And its our duty to stand in solidarity with all such journalists. Government may change constantly , but not the harsh truth. Regardless of the attempts one try to bury the reality with their ferocious acts, truth prevails. Even from the deepest ditches it will flourish .They may slew the people but not the truth, for truth has no death.



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