Why shade shrinks
My eyes are closed, but still, I could see the colours of my future. Though doctors are busy tearing my body, i am hurt nowhere. Even while constrained to a theatre with a red light, i am flying higher and higher and reaching to the moon and the back.
It was a bright sunday morning when i reached my dad's hands as his first son.My arrival created a festive mode in the entire family. Everybody was congratulating my parents for having a boy child. My dad though was a father of three girls, it was when i born that he really became a proud dad. His joy had no boundaries, he felt more a man.
Time passed, i was growing like all other child and was highly pampered.I have never heard dad telling a no to me, he was so excited to see me growing that he used to fill my room with a lot of blue toys and many other cars, guns and all that. Though i played with all my blue toys, my favorite colour was pink and what i loved the most was to play with my sister's Barbie doll than with my racing car.
I started my schooling and things were going really smooth upto my primary classes, but once i entered high school, i felt like things were changing. I saw a line being drawn between boys and girls. All boys were supposed to be strong and courageous plus it was said that boys never cry. On the other hand girls were expected to be comparively weak and soft at heart. There was a division even in the choice of color, it was said that boys never use pink.And most importantly all the ornaments were meant only for girls and not for boys. I was bewildered by the differences, but never had the ghuts to question them.
One day during our English class, my teacher asked me about whom i wanted to be in future?
I am a person who have always admired my mom, even while being in a wheel chair she does all the household jobs meticulously , helps all of us in studies and inspires us to learn more.She is indeed the one who makes our home a heaven. So i proudly said
I wish to be a homemaker, a homemaker!!
Shouted the entire class..
(To be contind)
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