Why shade shrinks(II)
I was startled for a moment, why was the entire class looking at me and dying out of laughter?.. Then my teacher asked why i wanted to be a homemaker, i told about my mom and explained how inspiring she is to me, i also added about my sisters who were all housewives and were all leading a good life.
After listening to me, teacher said " but then Rahul.. You are a boy!!
From that day onwards, i became a clown in my class, just like the sea touches the seashore, i was often taunted by my classmates. I was completely devastated, classroom became a hell to me. Misgiving that my dad's smile would fade, i never said about how i was being treated by my classmates to my parents.
Years passed, signs of growth were appearing on my body. I started finding happiness in being alone,so that i could spend hours and cogitate.
Jil jil sound of the deep red glass bangles, curly long hair,paddy green half sari, soft voice, divine nature and the black lined eye with long eye lashes..
An ocean of thoughts kept flowing through my muddled mind. All of a sudden i started hearing the cry of a baby from nowhere.
Just like leaking pipe fills a bucket, i was filling myself with doubts drop by drop.
NO, never..
I said to myself
(to be contind)
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