Short Story review
I do not know the name of that 3 minute 58 second video. I do not know what language it was in of whether it was a short film or a scene from an actual movie. My mother said that she thought it was some Iranian short film by a director named Majeed Majeedi or something. I don’t know about that and I don’t want to because the scenes depicted in those 4 minutes has enough to talk about. You know how they say that pictures speak louder than words? This picture is the perfect example of how you don’t need to understand the language as long as what is shown is loud enough.
I have a few principles in life that I abide by at any cost. The most important one among those is to not judge a person, no matter what. They may have the brashest behaviour and the rudest attitude but they might always have a reason for this. You fully know no other person other than yourself. This short film clearly depicts that in a very subtle way.
The story revolves around a boy who is late to class every day. His teacher, without bothering to properly know the reason, punishes him each time. I know that the teacher hasn't done so good of a job at being judgemental and ignorance would be a more apt term to describe his stand but that too kind of classifies under judging ("he obviously doesn't even have a reason"). It is not till the end that he realizes the reason behind the boy being late and feels immensely guilty for what he did.
The end scene in which the teacher places the scale, with which he used to punish the boy, in the boys hand and starts kissing it might have captured everyone's heart. It is a short film with a very limited amount of time and yet has a character that developed and matured which not even many 2 hour long movies have.
Overall it is a good watch and worth the 3 minutes 58 seconds.
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