Bicycle Thieves is a 1948 film by the pre-eminent Italian director Vittorio De Sica.Cesare
Zavattini’s screenplay,an adaptation of Luigi Bartolini’s novel of the same name along with De Sica’s
avid desire to depict Italy’s penury and unemployment after the Second World War brought about
one of the most prominent Italian Neo Realist Films ever!This movie gives us a Melancholic
Pleasure.You might wonder why did I use an oxymoron to describe this film.It’s because, this movie
leaves the audience in tears but it doesn’t stop us from watching it over and over again.
Well! Why do
we binge watch a movie which makes us burst into tears!That’s because of the tragic pleasure it
imparts,this mechanism of the mind is elucidated in Poetics by Aristotle.In a nutshell it goes
something like-When we watch a Tragedy we give an outlet to our emotions and we get purged or
cleansed and become more ‘ happy-go-lucky’ individuals.Reviewing any classical movie is a long row
to hoe and reviewing one of the greatest of them is much more challenging.But the aesthetics in
these films entice any Dick and Harry to review them!
Bicycle Thieves portrays the story of a desperate job seeker,Antonio Ricci in the Post- War Italy,where he manages to find a job and to sustain it he had to have a bicycle.He could never let
go of the job since there are millions to claim it once it drops from his grip.Besides ,Getting another
employment seemed next to impossible!Eventually his wife comes up with a solution.
She sells the
bed sheets which were her wedding presents and redeems their bicycle from the Pawn Shop.How
true is the saying-The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world! Finally the zero hour
commenced!Ricci along with his little one Bruno set out to work.But unfortunately his bicycle would
be lifted by a bloke and he’s left on the road destitute…Will he get his vehicle back?Watch the movie
and disentangle the knot!
De Sica was one of the Stalwart trio of Italian Neo Realism,the other two being Luchino
Visconti and Roberto Rosselini.The matter with stalwarts is that they staunchly adhere to the tenets
of their movements.Close scrutiny of Bicycle Thieves gives us an insight into the pathetic situation of
Rome and also of the Neo Realism as such.The speciality of any great movie is that it would be subtly
suggestive rather than overtly proclaiming, so is this one.It seems like Ricci got weary of waiting for an
employment since we find him staying aloof at the point his name was called out.This shows us how
pervasive the problem of unemployment was.Our first encounter of Ricci’s wife Maria is while she
was at the pipe filling her buckets with water.We find garrulous women gathered around and chit- chatting around the pipe but they seldom take notice of Maria.Perhaps Antonio and Maria were new
comers there or had migrated to that locality in search of employment.Since the main motive of the
filmmaker was to portray reality as it stands, De Sica preferred location shooting to shooting on sets. Even the lighting employed was only natural light.Coming to the cast -both of the protagonists viz
Ricci and Bruno were amateur artists.Lamberto Maggiorani who acted as Ricci was in reality a factory
worker and our favourite little Bruno-Enzo Staiola was spotted by De Sica while he was with his father
selling flowers…No Wonder! Who can escape his tiny enticing eyes!These aspects indubitably give the
film a realistic touch and add to the import of the film,not a single scene is contrived. This film brilliantly juxtaposes the dual nature of Rome-the contrast between the haves
and the have not….The rich and the wretch!We find people like Ricci struggling to make both the ends
meet.They hardly manage to live from hand to mouth whereas the glamorous poster which Ricci
sticks on to the wall tells another story.The urban elite drink the ambrosia of life to the lees while the
working class were being crushed under their feet.There was neither equality nor equity.On a rainy
Sunday only a handful of lucky ones are seen moving in vehicles while the others couldn’t even afford
an umbrella.We are told that it rained every Sunday.So the people could anticipate the rain but they
couldn’t afford umbrellas owing to their dire penury.The commotion of the commuters around the
tram tells us about the inevitability of Public transport, in such a place having a bicycle is a luxury.Even
at the restaurant the well- to- do could even afford the entire stall but the plight of Ricci is such that
he was too much preoccupied with the mess in his life that he was not even able to savour the
sumptuous dinner once in a blue moon. Last but not the least- comes our Hero!The cynosure of the entire film-Bruno!The
image of Bruno tottering behind his desperate father lingers in our minds.Every expression,every
glance and even his fall in the muddy water is a pleasant sight.How do I love thee little Bruno!
Irrespective of the weather and bereft of food this kid was incessantly moving.None bothers to take
care of him,once he blurted out that he was hungry- his father snapped at him and he got
slapped.Subsequently comes the hilarious scenes wherein we find the indignant little Bruno
irresistibly cute!His marathon of winning hearts begins with all those grins and frowns of his alluring
tiny face.He was the one running behind the thieves,witnesses and bringing the officers.His presence
in the frame is in itself entertaining.In the entire film only the title is a bit misleading or rather
Because in the end when the hero is called a thief the genuine efforts of him to retrieve
the bicycle goes unacknowledged!Think of the plight of Ricci!He was robbed of his vehicle,deprived of
his livelihood,stripped of his dignity and eventually been called a thief! So friends…What do you think
of the title?I insist on you watching this movie!….No that I want my gentle readers to cry watching a
tragedy but I want it’s cathartic effect to purge you and you will emerge happier:):)
Santhwana Thomas
Well done!