Tuesdays with Morrie

Think it's raining heavily outside and you are in your room all alone listening to the tracks by Rafi, how does that make you feel? I feel relieved. I see a ray of hope somewhere. And this is exactly the kind of feeling that I have with some of my teachers. Neither have I seen them nor have talked to them for years, but there words still resonates in my mind when I only see, cloudy tomorrow's in front. 'Tuesdays with Morrie 'is one such story about a teacher and a student who reconnects after very long time. Morrie,the teacher, had been diagnosed with a disease called ALS, for which there was no cure. But the thought of death never dissuaded him, rather he was happy that he could make the rest, a little time of his life, the best of his life. And this very different approach towards death made him a celebrity. And eventually, Mitch, Morrie's former student, reconnects with Morrie and starts visiting him regularly. Morrie was overwhelmed by the presenc...