A life that everyone had enjoying,no tension,no stress,only inner peace roaming with everyone,got changed drastically within few months. Beginning from Wuhan in China,to every nook and corner of the world.Yes,it was the arrival of the NOVEL CORONA VIRUS,spreading disease amongst everyone and everywhere and panic allover the world . The people who used to smile at each other were now confined with the shackles of facemasks. The new member *Hand sanitizer* for most,was exciting at the dawn,but got punctured by the consistent use.The brand new words *Quarantine* and *Lockdown*,introduced a new kind of affection within the public at the start, but eventually that too faded off. It seemed everything funny until,a girl from Thrishur, back from Wuhan,gave birth to COVID,his nickname in the God's own country,Kerala.The first COVID case in the Republic of India. Alas!!,there emerged the antonym,tragedy amidst all the citizens of India. The cases multiplied and our mother India got her first...