
Showing posts from November, 2020

The Social Dilemma Review.


Heaven😻❤️(Fathima Hussain)



                 കുമ്മാട്ടി - മിത്തും സമൂഹവും 1970കൾ മലയാള സിനിമയുടെ വഴിത്തിരിവിന്റെ കാലമായിരുന്നു.ജി.അരവിന്ദന്റെ സിനിമകളിലൂടെ മലയാളികൾ സിനിമയിലെ പുതുധാരകൾ പരിചയപ്പെട്ട് തുടങ്ങിയ കാലം കൂടിയാണത്. അടൂർ, ജോൺ എബ്രഹാം അരവിന്ദൻ തുടങ്ങിയ ചലച്ചിത്രകാരന്മാർ ഓരോരുത്തരും മൗലികമായ സമീപനങ്ങൾ സ്വീകരിച്ചിരുന്നു. അവരിൽ അരവിന്ദത്തെ പ്രതിഭ മലയാളികളുടെ സിനിമാ സംസ്കാരത്തെ പുതുക്കിപ്പണിഞ്ഞുവെന്ന് പറയാം. കഥാ സിനിമകളും ഡോ ക്യൂമെന്ററികളും നിർമ്മിച്ച അദ്ദേഹം സാഹിത്യം, സംഗീതം, ചിത്രകല എന്നിവയെ സിനിമയിൽ സംയോജിപ്പിച്ചു.പ്രമേയത്തിലും ആഖ്യാനത്തിലും വൈവിദ്ധ്യം പുലർത്തിയ 11  കഥാചിത്രങ്ങൾ അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെതായുണ്ട്. ഉത്തരായണം (1974), കാഞ്ചനസീത (1977), തുടങ്ങി ചിദംബരം (1985), ഒരിടത്ത് (1986) വരെയുള്ള സിനിമകളിൽ ഓരോന്നും സവിശേഷതകൾ ഏറെ ഉള്ളവയാണെന്ന് കാണാം. മലയാള സിനിമയുടെ തനിമയുള്ള ആഖ്യാന സാപ്രദായമാണ് അരവിന്ദനിൽ കാണാൻ കഴിയുന്നത്. നമ്മുടെ നാടൻ കലാ രൂപങ്ങളും പൗരാണിക സാഹിത്യ വും അദ്ദേഹ'ത്തെ ആഴത്തിൽ സ്വാധീനിച്ചിരുന്നു.          1979ൽ അരവിന്ദൻ സംവിധാനം ചെയ്ത...

𝙏𝙤𝙥 10 𝙇𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙𝙨 𝙞𝙣 𝙀𝙣𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙝 (𝘋𝘐𝘓𝘚𝘏𝘈)

        1) Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconi    osis 2) Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia 3) Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 4) Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism 5) Floccinaucinihilipilification 6) Antidisestablishmentarianism 7) Honorificabilitudinitatibus     8) Thyroparathyroidectomized 9)  Dichlorodifluoromethane 10)  Incomprehensibilities


Buzzing in his head is a hive of hidden thoughts Waiting to be said Flying around looking for what goes in our mind, His honey comes from a little path deep inside our pain When its time to let them out He be a poet He gathers all our secret thoughts And then he sets them free


A limerick is a humorous poem consisting of five lines. The first, second, and fifth have the same verbal rhythm . The third and fourth lines too must rhyme with each other and have the same rhythm just like as first, second and fifth lines. Edward Lear, a British Poet is considered as the father of Limericks. Eg:- There was once an ant from heaven        Who always loved to eat some  lemon.        One day he tried to eat it without sugar,        Which made him feel bitter.        So he quickly switched to watermelon.     







Webinar Report

On 21/11/2020,  we the students of first year functional English batch of Brennan college conducted the second session of our webinar series named 'ECRITURE'. At exactly 11 am, the webinar was been started. Ms Fathima, a first year english student led the event.       Then Namratha, a first year english student delivered the welcome speechand introduced the guest to the audience, this was followed by the presidential adress of Mrs Smitha, the english department head. Then the session was set for the chief guest, Mrs Indu Menon, a prominent novelist, short story writer, screen writer and sociologist.               By 11:30 am the guest began her  talk, she started speaking about power and how it influenced the society. And then about politics, and the relationship between art and politics. She even talked about how ones politics influence thier writings. After her talk, the guest inaugurated our blog named 'KRITHI' and appr...

ചില ഓർമ്മപ്പെടുത്തലുകൾ

ജീവിതത്തിന്റെ മനോഹരമായ ഈടുകളിലൂടെ  കടന്നുപോകാമ്പോൾ അതിന്റെ ആന്തരിക  ഭംഗി വേണ്ടത്ര രീതിയിൽ ആസ്വദിക്കാനുള്ള  ഒരു ശ്രമം നമ്മളിൽ ആരും തന്നെ നടത്തുന്നില്ല എന്നത് പച്ചയായ വാസ്തവം തന്നെയാകുന്നു. ജീവിത വ്യഗ്രതയുടെ  പശ്ചാത്തലത്തിൽ മത്സര ചുവയയോടെ കാര്യങ്ങൾ കൈകാര്യം ചെയ്യുമ്പോൾ നഷ്ടപെടുത്തുന്നത് മറ്റൊരിക്കലും തിരിച്ചുകിട്ടാൻ സാധ്യത വിരളമായിട്ടിട്ടുള്ള ചില നല്ല കാലഘട്ടത്തെയാണ്.ജീവിക്കാനും  ഉടുക്കാനും ഉണ്ണാനും ഉലകിൽ ആനന്ദത്തോടെ വസിക്കാനും വേണ്ടി   സാമ്പാദിച്ചുകൊണ്ടിരുന്നവരാണ്  നമ്മൾ. സമ്പാദിക്കാനായി ജീവിക്കുന്നത് തികച്ചും അടിസ്ഥാനപരമായും ജീവിത സത്വ മനസിലാക്കാനായി ഒരുതരത്തിലും ഉപകരിക്കുക ഇല്ലെന്നത് നാം   മനസിലാക്കേണ്ടിരിക്കുന്നു. കാലഘട്ടത്തിനു അനുയോജ്യമായി നീങ്ങുമ്പോൾ  ഒഴുക്കിനെതിരെ  നീന്തിയവർ മാത്രേമേ  ചരിത്രത്തിൽ അവരുടെ കൈയൊപ്പ്  രേഖപെടുത്തിട്ടുള്ളൂ.                                      -omghatri 

shisa tachooli


വരികൾക്കിടയിൽ കാത്ത കയ്യൊപ്പ്..

"പനിയും പനിച്ചു‌ടും  പോലെ വേർപ്പെടുത്താനാവാത്ത സ്നേഹമായിരുന്നു അവരുടേത് ".                    സ്നേഹത്തെ എത്രമേൽ മനോഹരമായാണ് ആവിഷ്കരിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നത്. വാക്കുകളുടെ വാതായനങൾ സൃഷ്ടിച്ച്, തന്റെതായ വഴികളിലൂടെ വായനക്കാരെ കൊണ്ടുപോകുന്ന എഴുത്തുകാരി.       ഓരോ വരികളിലും ഒരു കഥ ഒളിപ്പിച്ചു വയ്ക്കുന്ന, ഓരോ ചെറുകഥയിലും ഒരു നോവൽ ഒളിപ്പിച്ചു വയ്ക്കുന്ന ഇന്ത്രജാലകക്കാരി. എഴുത്തെന്ന  മാന്ത്രികതയെ  ഇന്ദു മേനോന്റെ രചനകളിൽ നമുക്ക് കാണാൻ സാധിക്കും.            "എന്റമ്മയുടെ മുലപ്പാൽ വീണു നിറഞ്ഞു സമുദ്രമൊക്കെ വെളുത്തിരിക്കുന്നത് നിങ്ങൾ കാണുന്നില്ലേ?"                         ഭാഷയുടെ മാന്ത്രികതയാൽ അറിയാതെ എൻ ഉള്ളം വിങ്ങുകയാണ്.   ഒരു സ്ത്രീയുടെ അനുഭവം ഏറ്റവും മനോഹരമായി ഒരു സ്ത്രീക്ക് മാത്രമേ ആവിഷ്കരിക്കാൻ സാധിക്കൂ എന്നത് ശരി വെക്കുന്നതായിരുന്നു ഇന്ദു മേനോന്റെ "കപ്പലിനെ കുറിച്ചൊരു വിചിത്ര പുസ്തകം "   എണ്ണം പറഞ്ഞ സൃഷ്ടികളിലൂടെ ആസ്വധക ...

Shisa tachooli


Shisa tachooli


Shisa tachooli


Library = Boundless Knowledge


Nature - The Art of God🍀




ENGLISH BLOCK ❤️ (Fathima Hussain)



   A POSITIVE ATTITUDE LEADS TO SUCCESS                              AND HAPPINESS                    I came across an article written by Sanjay Prem talking about how connected is one’s positive attitude and his success. This is a true fact which many ignore.                   Take the case of every successful person you know. They would have faced all their ups and downs in a positive attitude. It’s not only in the case of successful people. You and me should also face your obstacles with a positive attitude. It will help you cope more easily with the daily affairs of life.                    A person who takes everything positively will be able to easily avoid negative thoughts or worries. Being positive helps you see the bright side of you life and exp...

◦•●◉✿Amazing Facts About India✿◉●•◦ 𝘿𝙞𝙡𝙨𝙝𝙖

1    The highest cricket ground in the world is in        India, Himachal pradesh.  2    Shampoo is an Indian concept.  3    The Indian National Kabaddi team  has                won all world cups.  4     India is the worlds second largest English          speaking country.  5     India has largest number of vegetarians in        the world.  6     snakes and laders  originated in India.  7     India has largest number of post office in           the world.  8     India has the world's only floating post                 office.  9     India exports softwares to 90 counties.  10  India has the second Largest network of            ...
                    NORTH SENTINEL ISLAND                         Can you live a month without any social media or modern gadgets? Never, I can’t live a single day. But there is a group of people in an island with no connection to the modern civilisation. You might wonder in which century are they living. But they are living in the 21st century without knowing how the world around them have been changed.                      I’m writing about the people of North Sentinel Island which is one among the Andaman Islands. It is the home to the Sentinelse. This tribe is also known as the most violent and dangerous tribe. The people of Sentinel Island has denied every contact with the outside world. They are very harmful if we try to invade their personal space.                    ...

amazing English♥️


Amazing Facts by Mayoogha. V

AMAZING FACTS * A camel can drink 135 litres of water💧 in only 13 minutes.  * If you eat too many carrots🥕 your skin will turn orange.  * An average American🇺🇸 eats more than 105kg of bananas a year.  * 60 tones of paint are needed to paint the eiffle tower 🗼.  * Built nearly 2000 years ago, the colosseum in Rome could hold 50000 spectators.  * Humming birds🐦 are the only bird that can also fly backwards. *The only two animals that can see behind themselves without turning their heads are the rabbit🐇 and the parrot. 
                WHEN BREATH BECOMES AIR                                                         -Paul Kalanithi                  When Breath Becomes Air is a non-fiction autobiographical book written by American Neurosurgeon Dr. Paul Kalanithi. It is a memoir about the authors life and his battle to fight cancer. This is truly an inspiring book.                   I personally don’t prefer non-fiction books, but this touched my herat. He was an inspiring person. During his battle he was privileged to keep up with his work as an neurosurgeon.                     Paul Kalanithi was an Indian-American neurosurgeon and writer. He was diagnosed with stage IV metastatic...

The Shawshank Redemption

 If I were to name one of the movies that had a climax which shocked me to my core, 'The Shawshank Redemption' would easily be the first one to come to my mind. This movie is now considered one of IMdb's top rated movies of all time but when it was released, back in the 90s, it had a tragic flop. Many reasons could take credit for that. The release of blockbuster movies like 'Forrest Gump' and 'Pulp Fiction' at the same time, the not-so-appealing title name and the lack of female roles could be a few. It had a re-release, later on, and did get the needed recognition but this movie is so much more than just a profit in the theatres. It talks about so many life values and about how faith can move mountains. For those who haven't watched it yet, spoiler alert, let me give you a briefing. The Shawshank prison is, what one could call, the worst prison ever. It's not like we have a lot of experience in prison but, as far as we know, there are things shown ...

The dreadful:Now and forever.

A life that everyone had enjoying,no tension,no stress,only inner peace roaming with everyone,got changed drastically within few months. Beginning from Wuhan in China,to every nook and corner of the world.Yes,it was the arrival of the NOVEL CORONA VIRUS,spreading disease amongst everyone and everywhere and panic allover the world . The people who used to smile at each other were now confined with the shackles of facemasks. The new member *Hand sanitizer* for most,was exciting at the dawn,but got punctured by the consistent use.The brand new words *Quarantine* and *Lockdown*,introduced a new kind of affection within the public at the start, but eventually that too faded off. It seemed everything funny until,a girl from Thrishur, back from Wuhan,gave birth to COVID,his nickname in the God's own country,Kerala.The first COVID case in the Republic of India. Alas!!,there emerged the antonym,tragedy amidst all the citizens of India. The cases multiplied and our mother India got her first...

Why shade shrinks(II)

I was startled for a moment, why was the entire class looking at me and dying out of laughter?.. Then my teacher asked why i wanted to be a homemaker, i told about my mom and explained how inspiring she is to me, i also added about my sisters who were all housewives and  were all leading a good life. After listening to me, teacher said " but then Rahul.. You are a boy!! From that day onwards, i became a clown in my class, just like the sea touches the seashore, i was often taunted by my classmates. I was completely devastated, classroom became a hell to me. Misgiving that my dad's smile would fade, i never said about how i was being treated by my classmates to my parents. Years passed, signs of growth were appearing on my body. I started finding happiness in being alone,so that i could spend hours and cogitate. Jil jil sound of the deep red glass bangles, curly long hair,paddy green half sari, soft voice, divine nature and the black lined eye with long eye lashes.. An ocean of...

Humanity: A Scarcity (Krishnapriya Rajeev)








Why shade shrinks

My eyes are closed, but still, I could see the  colours of my future. Though doctors are busy tearing my body, i am hurt nowhere. Even while constrained to a theatre with a red light, i am flying higher and higher and reaching to the moon and the back.               It was a bright sunday morning when i reached my dad's hands as his first son.My arrival created a festive mode in the entire family. Everybody was congratulating my parents for having a boy child. My dad though was a father of three girls, it was when i born that he really became a proud dad. His joy had no boundaries, he felt more a man. Time passed,  i was growing like all other child and was highly pampered.I have never heard dad telling a no to me, he was so excited to see me growing that he used to fill my room with a lot of blue toys and many other cars, guns and all that. Though i played with all my blue toys, my favorite colour was pink and what i loved the most was to pl...

The Terrible Pandemic. ( Krishnendu)


dream catcher❤️. (Fathima Hussain)


Importance of Women Empowerment




Puzzle (Ashwini)





Somewhere along the way  you bore the brunt you bit the bullet  you threw the gauntlet but nothing happened Somewhere along the way  the chasms opened wide the cracks became visible the edifice tore open yet nothing happened Now too nothing happens a weird smile escapes your lips a cold encapsulates your being  a tree in its last dregs  a shelter going helter-skelter.

Deer Hunter

The compulsion to write is one of the sweetest of compulsions, precisely because one does not put one's pen or ink to paper until and unless one really does have to! Sweet because until it takes concrete shape one does not know about the vagaries of the writing (and thinking) machine and the results are always worth a try! Writing is a process which evolves as one writes. So I also for once gave myself away to the charms of this enchanting enterprise! One needs to write on something. I thought why not I try to scribble something on Deer Hunter, the film I painstakingly watched the other day. Don't think that the word 'painstaking' has negative connotations. As they say 'Sweet are the uses of adversity', the effort was all worth it after the long stretch of three hours one spent on it. 'Three hours!' Imagine! In this short life span that we all have spending three hours watching a film isnt a bit too much? Just now I am thinking of the alternatives... Wh...

An amazing Ladoo Recipes🤤😋

*Laddu recipe* Ingredients: 500 Gram Gram flour 1 litre Water 750 gram Ghee (for frying) 750 gram Sugar 3 1/2 cups Water 10-12 drops yellow color 50 gram Cashew nuts, chopped 50 gram Raisins 10 Cardamoms , peeled Method: Prepare a thin batter with gram flour and water.Heat ghee in a pan. Fill the fryer or strainer with the batter up to the half. Position it over pan and drain boondis in hot ghee by hitting the strainer on side of the pan, lifting up then again hitting. This process should be finished very quickly. Fry them to golden color, drain and remove. Use up all the batter. Prepare sugar syrup of one and a half thread consistency by boiling sugar and water. Add color to the syrup. Mix the boondis, syrup, dry fruits and cardamom. After 10 minutes, sprinkle over a little hot water, cover and keep for 1 1/2 hour. Prepare round balls with moist hands.

Everybody is Beautiful.

"Every once in a month, my sister and her kids used to come and stay for a couple of days at our home. Me, being the kids' only aunt, always had to be the prop for all their games. Most of the games they play are pretty boring, considering the fact that I was a seventeen-year-old and baking cakes using only tiny plastic utensils and no ingredients never strikes to be too entertaining. But there was one that fell into the exception category. A game with pillows. It was nothing violent like a pillow fight (just mentioning to not create any triggered parents). In this, they made me lay down on the bed and arranged the pillows all over me. I never knew what sort of pleasure a game as such offered them, but I sure did know that I never wanted it to end. They'd leave me that way for hours as they went on playing around me and I wouldn't even fall asleep. I was in complete darkness while it lasted. But it was nothing like not being able at sleep at night. It was different. At...

How does it feels to be an English student










Bottle Art✨


Easy Puzzles 💥(Devasree)

Let's chill with some PUZZLE        1.    What starts with 'T' ends with 'T' and it's 'T'               in it?             Ans, TEAPOT         2.  X is a 7 letter word               X is impossible for god              The poor have X              The rich look for X from the poor              If you eat X you'll die             X is more important than your life             I swear I will give you X if you get the              answer            What is X?            Ans, X=Nothing 😂       3. I'm a 6 letter word           2,5,6 used b...

tongue twisters


Review Of La Strada.
